News & Events2019-11-04T16:15:00+00:00

News & Events

The End of Financial Firm Detente: Is the Broker Protocol Collapsing?

Perhaps no industry experienced the ravages of litigation more than the financial brokerage industry did, at least until 2004, as firms regularly sued one another over “breakaway brokers” who left their firms to join a competitor or “brokerage raids” for having hired away talent. Litigation became a staple in [...]

December 7th, 2017|

Byrd Campbell Represents Couple Suing CenterState Bank Over Internet Scam

by: Field Sutton, WFTV Web Staff Updated: Aug 1, 2017 - 6:40 PM MARION COUNTY, Fla. - A local Marion County couple, who Eyewitness News chose not to identify, filed a lawsuit against CenterState Bank of Florida for allegedly allowing hackers to steal $53,000 in a house down payment. The couple ended up victims of what [...]

August 3rd, 2017|

Locked Out: How to Weather a Corporate D-I-V-O-R-C-E

Few domestic divorces match the emotional firepower of a meltdown between founding partners, a corporate coup, or the “changing of the guard” orchestrated in a family-owned business. If you find yourself “locked out,” what can you do? The answer is plenty. Here are eight (8) things to do, and four (4) not to do.

May 11th, 2017|

You’re Giving a Deposition – So What the Heck Now?

Worrying about a deposition doesn't have to happen, particularly if you remember a few simple rules — which we have codified in the Byrd Campbell 10 Commandments For Giving a Deposition — to provide you a stress-free approach to preparing for and giving a deposition.

May 3rd, 2017|

Why Do Lawsuits Take So Long?

Any business person who has been involved in a lawsuit has probably wondered, "Why do lawsuits take so long?"  In a typical commercial dispute, the parties usually know the issues, facts, and stakes, and in the commercial world where getting to the "bottom line" is paramount, the plodding pace of a lawsuit can be maddening, all leading to the question: Why do lawsuits take so long?  Having toiled on the courtroom battlefield for 36 years, let me share my thoughts on some of the reasons.

April 25th, 2017|

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